25 Strangulation Toolkits in each box. $6.50 per Toolkit. View the video below in the Full Product Description: Each SDFI SAFE-Toolkit (T) includes everything you need to collect evidence from one strangulation case. Each SAFE-T Kit includes a Surgical Marker, a Hair Tie, Bookend Card(s), Cotton Swabs, Forensic Hand Map(s), Measuring Scales, Evidence Envelopes and Seals . The SDFI Strangulation Assessment and Forensic Evaluation Toolkit nicknamed SDFI SAFE-T is intended for use by healthcare professionals who are providing care to adults, adolescents and/or children following a strangulation event. Free Shipping In The United States. Order online or call 310-492-5372 to receive your quote or invoice.
The SDFI file portal allows you to securely send your data anywhere in the world to recipients with a windows based computer and a high-speed connection to the internet. SDFI applies a second layer encryption to this process, so no one but your intended recipient gains access to your files. Online Yearly SDFI File Portal offers unlimited 24 hour use of the SDFI-TeleMedicine File Portal for a duration of 365 days. Stop burning DVD's, printing, driving or shipping photos to recipients. If you use this once every two months, it pays for itself because it negates and replaces the need for you to do any of those other things. Save time and money by switching to the Secure SDFI-TeleMedicine File Portal today.