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CAGE #: 4MZP8 / DUNS: 790555333

Government agencies and workers can get big variety of resources from SDFI.  SDFI File Portal Security and General System Security, White reference guide, bookend cards, marketing materials and Forensic exams and HIPAA collateral is available.  SDFI is beyond HIPAA Security!

SAFE-T Toolkits - Strangulation Assessment and Forensic Evaluation Toolkits


25 Strangulation Toolkits in each box. $6.50 per Toolkit. View the video below in the Full Product Description: Each SDFI SAFE-Toolkit (T) includes everything you need to collect evidence from one strangulation case. Each SAFE-T Kit includes a Surgical Marker, a Hair Tie, Bookend Card(s), Cotton Swabs, Forensic Hand Map(s), Measuring Scales, Evidence Envelopes and Seals . The SDFI Strangulation Assessment and Forensic Evaluation Toolkit nicknamed SDFI SAFE-T is intended for use by healthcare professionals who are providing care to adults, adolescents and/or children following a strangulation event. Free Shipping In The United States. Order online or call 310-492-5372 to receive your quote or invoice.

SDFI Yellow Secure File Download Guide


A Guide To Downloading SDFI Secure Files.

SDFI Bookend Cards Plus Hand Maps


Download and print both the SDFI Bookend Cards plus Hand Map. Printing instructions included. See the full description below.

Forensic Photodocumentation & SDFI-TeleMedicine Demonstration


This (Non-CEU) course is a self directed online SDFI demonstration. It was designed to step you through the science behind forensic photodocumentation. This science defines the basis of SDFI-TeleMedicine's forensic photodocumentation equipment, software, security, education and support that SDFI offers to all SDFI clients. In addition, you will be able to view short video demonstrations of real forensic examiners using SDFI Camera Systems and SDFI Image Management Software while providing a mock forensic exam on actors playing the part of patients/alleged victims. All actors have been de-identified. To request access to our online live demonstration, copy and paste into a browser and fill out the SDFI contact form. Please see the hyperlink.

SDFI-TeleMedicine Video Overview - Marketing Materials


Do you need to give a presentation to your group? This video is a great tool to to use during your presentation. View a five-minute overview of what the SDFI-TeleMedicine System is, how it works and how it is used as a colposcope replacement.

SDFI-TeleMedicine Marketing Materials


Do you need to prepare a presentation to a group about the SDFI-TeleMedicine System? SDFI offers hand-out materials and videos that were created to educate decision-makers about the SDFI System. Order marketing materials to be sent to you by completing . In the mean time, do you want to view a video that overviews the SDFI System? Complete this order and receive a link to our video that overviews what the SDFI System is, what it does and how it assists your forensic program.