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SDFI Forensic Camera System Trainings


Order online, or call 310-492-5372 to request your quote or invoice.

CAGE #: 4MZP8 / DUNS: 790555333


Forensic Camera System Trainings are offered as follows...


SDFI Tele-Education Training Session For Hardware is where a SDFI Experienced Technical Trainer instructs an interactive two and one-half (2 1/2) hour hands-On Forensic Camera Training in realtime.  This course includes holding the SDFI Camera, review the settings for taking pictures from far away and close up, demonstrating photodocumentation protocols, review what a bookend card is, demonstrating the SDFI Camera picture viewing tools, review removal and replacement of batteries for the SDFI Camera components, SDFI Flash, SD memory cards, disassembling and storing of the camera, review the introduction of video to still capture, external genitalia photoducmentation with manual labial traction, cervical photodocumentation with a speculum inserted and introduction of contrast photography*.  This Tele-Education Training Session is via real-time offering a semi-private lesson on forensic photography for up to 2 attendees per session.  Each attendee receives one Certificate of Completion.


SDFI Tele-Education Training Session For Software is where a SDFI Experienced Technical Trainer instructs an interactive two hour SDFI Image Management Software Training in realtime.  This course includes the following, review the bulk naming features to name cases, review how to apply the SDFI Negative Invert Filter and SDFI Loupe Tool to pictures, review how to save pictures within a secure volume, review how to use the SDFI Security Software to encrypt pictures, review how to use the SDFI Secure File Portal to move pictures and other documents securely to recipients.  Each attendee receives one Certificate of Completion**.

Photography And Forensic Exam Techniques With Anogenital Assessment is a six hour online course that offers medical, legal and technical information about forensic photography during a sexual assault exam.  This course includes the following: disuss and demonstrate forensic photodocumentation protocols, review the legalities of how long to store pictures and why, review what a pixel, review what picture resolution is, review what a RAW file vs. a JPG is and how it is used in court, review what the federal rules of evidence is and what is considered a digital original picture, discuss the use of a vaginal speculum and insertion procedures, review the use of an anoscope and insertion procedure, Discuss the use of Toluidine Blue and procedure, discuss the use of filters and its use in court, discuss the legal factors of forensic photography, its storage and how and why to move pictures based on legal chain of custody.  Each attendee receives one Certificate of Completion.



SDFI.Q. Camera System Video Training Course with Tutorials and Knowledge Base, Annual Subscription or 90 Day Access:  This is an Online Self Directed Training Course with Tutorials and Knowledge Base taught by our SDFI Experienced Technical Trainers.  This two hour online course is perfect for SDFI Forensic Camera Users to brush up on how to use their SDFI Forensic Camera.  It also includes demonstrations of photo protocols and procedures.  Organizations can use these videos to train new staff.  This can be ordered two ways.  1)  1 Shared User License (Single Login) per one program location for unlimited users associated to that location to have access to SDFI.Q. Camera System Videos that instruct those users how to operate the SDFI Forensic Camera.  2) 90 day access  receives 1 Certificate of Completion.


* Attendee must have a Contrast SDFI Camera

** Attendees who purchase the SDFI Tele-Education Training Session For Hardware & Software together receives one Certificate of Completion that covers both courses.


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€39.00 - €4000.00

SDFI.Q. Tele-Education Training Session For Hardware


SDFI Tele-Education Training Session For Hardware is where a SDFI Experienced Technical Trainer instructs an interactive two and one-half hours ( 2.5 hours) hands-On Forensic Camera Training in realtime. See complete details in the full description below.

SDFI.Q. Tele-Education Training Session For Software


SDFI Tele-Education Training Session For Software is where a SDFI Experienced Technical Trainer instructs an interactive two hour SDFI Image Management Software Training in realtime. See complete details in the full description below.

SDFI.Q. Camera System Video Training Course With Tutorials and Knowledge Base 365 access Camera Generation 9


SDFI.Q. Camera System Video Training Course With Tutorials and Knowledge Base, Annual Subscription for Generation 9 SDFI Forensic Camera System: 1 Shared User License (Single Login) per one program location for unlimited users associated to that location to have access to SDFI.Q. Camera System Videos that instruct those users how to operate the SDFI Forensic Camera. This is an Online Self Directed Training Course with Tutorials and Knowledge Base. Access for 365 Days: SDFI.Q. Generations will vary.

SDFI.Q. Camera System Video Training Course with Tutorials and Knowledge Base Generation 8


SDFI Camera System Generation 8 Online training video access 24/7 for 365 days.

SDFI.Q. Camera System Video Training Course With Tutorials and Knowledge Base, 365 Day Access Gen 10


SDFI.Q. Camera System Video Training Course With Tutorials and Knowledge Base, Annual Subscription for Generation 10 SDFI Forensic Camera System: 1 Shared User License (Single Login) per one program location for unlimited users associated to that location to have access to SDFI.Q. Camera System Videos that instruct those users how to operate the SDFI Forensic Camera. This is an Online Self Directed Training Course with Tutorials and Knowledge Base. Access for 365 Days: SDFI.Q. Generations will vary.

SDFI.Q. Camera System Video Training Course With Tutorials and Knowledge Base, 365 Day Access Gen 11


SDFI.Q. Camera System Video Training Course With Tutorials and Knowledge Base, Annual Subscription for Generation 11 SDFI Forensic Camera System: 1 Shared User License (Single Login) per one program location for unlimited users associated to that location to have access to SDFI.Q. Camera System Videos that instruct those users how to operate the SDFI Forensic Camera. This is an Online Self Directed Training Course with Tutorials and Knowledge Base. Access for 365 Days: SDFI.Q. Generations will vary.