Children Advocacy Centers can request various types of useful information to use at their organizations from SDFI. We offer Non-Fatal Strangulation and Forensic Photography PhotoDocumentation protocols, user's guides, handy bookend cards, marketing materials, and so much more.
25 Strangulation Toolkits in each box. $6.50 per Toolkit.
View the video below in the Full Product Description:
Each SDFI SAFE-Toolkit (T) includes everything you need to collect evidence from one strangulation case. Each SAFE-T Kit includes a Surgical Marker, a Hair Tie, Bookend Card(s), Cotton Swabs, Forensic Hand Map(s), Measuring Scales, Evidence Envelopes and Seals .
The SDFI Strangulation Assessment and Forensic Evaluation Toolkit nicknamed SDFI SAFE-T is intended for use by healthcare professionals who are providing care to adults, adolescents and/or children following a strangulation event. Free Shipping In The United States. Order online or call 310-492-5372 to receive your quote or invoice.
Do you need to give a presentation to your group? This video is a great tool to to use during your presentation. View a five-minute overview of what the SDFI-TeleMedicine System is, how it works and how it is used as a colposcope replacement.
Do you need to prepare a presentation to a group about the SDFI-TeleMedicine System? SDFI offers hand-out materials and videos that were created to educate decision-makers about the SDFI System.
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In the mean time, do you want to view a video that overviews the SDFI System? Complete this order and receive a link to our video that overviews what the SDFI System is, what it does and how it assists your forensic program.