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SAFE-T Toolkits - Strangulation Assessment and Forensic Evaluation Toolkits

25 Strangulation Toolkits in each box. $6.50 per Toolkit. View the video below in the Full Product Description: Each SDFI SAFE-Toolkit (T) includes everything you need to collect evidence from one strangulation case. Each SAFE-T Kit includes a Surgical Marker, a Hair Tie, Bookend Card(s), Cotton Swabs, Forensic Hand Map(s), Measuring Scales, Evidence Envelopes and Seals . The SDFI Strangulation Assessment and Forensic Evaluation Toolkit nicknamed SDFI SAFE-T is intended for use by healthcare professionals who are providing care to adults, adolescents and/or children following a strangulation event. Free Shipping In The United States. Order online or call 310-492-5372 to receive your quote or invoice.


SAFE-T Toolkits - Strangulation Assessment and Forensic Evaluation Toolkits

The SDFI SAFE-T can be used for all patients who have a history of being previously strangled as well as a patient who has been acutely strangled and may require an evaluation in addition to evidentiary samples that may be provided to law enforcement.

The use of this toolkit will help promote continuing development of the highly specialized skills necessary for effective evaluation of a person assaulted by strangulation.  This standardized toolkit will be beneficial in assisting nurses, physicians, emergency department personnel and child advocacy centers, in the assessment and documentation of strangulation cases within their communities.

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