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SDFI-TeleMedicine Marketing Materials

Do you need to prepare a presentation to a group about the SDFI-TeleMedicine System? SDFI offers hand-out materials and videos that were created to educate decision-makers about the SDFI System. Order marketing materials to be sent to you by completing . In the mean time, do you want to view a video that overviews the SDFI System? Complete this order and receive a link to our video that overviews what the SDFI System is, what it does and how it assists your forensic program.
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Adult DV/Non-Fatal Strangulation Photodocumentation Protocol


How to take complete photodocumentation on individuals who are victims of strangulation. This Non-Fatal Strangulation PhotoDocumentation Protocol is a FREE download from SDFI-TeleMedicine. Special thanks to the following individuals for their involvement with this project: Consultant: Diana Faugno - MSN, RN, CPN, SANE-A, SANE-P, FAAFS, DF-IAFN Reviewed By: Bill Smock, MD, Police Surgeon – Louisville Metro Police Department, Medical Director – The Institute of Clinical Forensic Medicine and Nursing