CAGE #: 4MZP8 / DUNS: 790555333
SDFI®-TeleMedicine, LLC
806 Buchanan Blvd Suite 115 299 Boulder City, NV 89005 P: (310) 492-5372 Email: click here
U.S. Phone: 1-310-492-5372
NOTE: Calls are recorded.
Mon - Fri 7:30-4 PT
Sat - Sun -- Closed
SDFI is closed on New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and the day after, and Christmas Day.
Our offices will be open the week between Christmas and New Year's. We will re-open on Monday January 5th, 2026. SDFI-TeleEducation Webcam Training is not offered between Friday December 19th, 2025 and Tuesday January 13th, 2026.
Advanced and Secure TeleMedicine, TeleHealth and TeleForensics
The Secure SDFI®-TeleMedicine File Portal Transports (Sends) Data to Recipients: It is part of the SDFI®-TeleMedicine Store & Send System ®
The Secure SDFI-TeleMedicine File Portal is a fully secured TeleMedicine System thus becoming your secured data transport portal. The Secure SDFI-TeleMedicine File Portal transfers all types of sensitive electronic data securely, such as video, photo, and document files. It allows you to easily upload your secured electronic data and then electronically transfer that data to recipients worldwide, 24/7 through a secured network. Recipients of the data do not need to purchase the Secure SDFI-TeleMedicine File Portal in order to receive and open the data. The Secure SDFI-TeleMedicine File Portal is non-proprietary and is the safest, easiest and fastest process for securely transferring forensic data to your criminal justice agencies without breaking the chain of custody: Secure SDFI-TeleMedicine File Portal can also be used to move sensitive data such as Patient Health Information (PHI) for case review and peer review. SDFI is Secure Beyond Reasonable Doubt and for $900 per year, is a cost savings for your program compared to other data transfer alternatives. You don't need to print images, pay for ink and paper, take time to watch your files copy to DVDs (that can degrade in time), you don't need to pay, burn and store DVD's/jump drives and you don't need to arrange time and pay for deliveries or pick-ups.
More About The Full SDFI-TeleMedicine System
Upon request, an exact and legal copy of the patient folder containing pictures, forms and presentations, is separately encrypted to AES-256 encryption standards. This is done within your SDFI enabled and encrypted computer. The "SDFI Secure File" is uploaded through a Secure Socket Layer and onto the protected SDFI secure Internet server. Additionally SDFI Secure Files are scanned for viruses. An e-mail notification is sent forth from the SDFI® File Portal to the detective(s) and/or the prosecutor(s), again, from the encrypted and protected SDFI®-TeleMedicine File Portal.
PLEASE NOTE: The SDFI®-TeleMedicine File Transfer Portal is an optional paid for subscription service.
Our annual subscription services are not offered for free.
The recipient of the "SDFI® Secure File" needs nothing more than a Windows computer and a high speed connection to the Internet.
That recipient will receive an e-mail notification indicating that a "SDFI® Secure File" is waiting for them on the "SDFI® File Portal". NOTE: SDFI®-TeleMedicine pictures are NOT sent through e-mail.
The receipt needs only to "CLICK" on the link in the e-mail message, "SAVE" the SDFI® Secure File to their Windows computer and then "CALL" the sender to get the "one time only, one time use, passphrase!
The sender, "SHOOTS, STORES & SENDS". The recipient, "CLICKS, SAVES & CALLS".
Download and review our System Security Documents now. Contact us if you have questions.