BOOK Your SDFI.Q.Training Today!
Hey, current SDFI clients! Are there a couple of things you wish you could brush up on when using your SDFI®-TeleMedicine Camera System? Have you recently hired new staff that could use some training with the forensic camera?
Here's How...

Click Here To Schedule your Onsite Training Today!

- An unlimited number of students may participate in one room.
- Q&A session is included.
- We will loan you a web cam, stand and connection cables.
Click Here To Book Your Online Training Today!

- Holding the SDFI Forensic Camera System properly, powering on and off the SDFI Camera and the ring flash and connecting the SDFI Camera System to a HDTV.
- Differences between close-up and far-away settings.
- Capturing far-away and close-up pictures without looking through the viewfinder.
- Utilizing the "Play" button to use the SDFI Forensic Camera System viewing tools.
- Zooming in and out and navigating pictures using the touchscreen...and MORE!
- Reviewing the SDFI Digital Protocol, including Bookend Card requirements.
- Training for the Overlapping Storyboard protocol.
- Successfully navigating Camera System equipment, including the ring flash battery, and SD memory card removal and replacement.
- This video will be sent to you via the SDFI Secure File Portal.
Click Here To Download Today!

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* Please note that an individual SDFI Training Event is structured for either medical OR legal professionals, per a single training event. This training is not intended for I.T. personnel, advocates or social workers. No observers or press allowed, as this will distract from training.