SDFI®-TeleMedicine Grant Information
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This document represents findings in a broad preliminary scan of multi-sector funding opportunities including government, as well as corporate and private foundations for SDFI technology. This mapping process can be used as the basis for more in-depth research to create sector and geographically specific funding opportunities for consumers of SDFI technology. This is intended to identify some of the most applicable resources that communities around the country can use as a starting point for funding research. Funding streams explored include corrections, juvenile and criminal justice, child welfare, public safety, homeland security, advocacy and technology, as well as domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse.
Many federal funding streams are administered through state government and sexual assault/domestic violence coalitions, including funds supported by the Victims Of Crime Act (VOCA) and Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), as well as Family Violence Prevention and Services Grants (FVPSA) and Community Development Block (CDBG) grants. The funding priorities for Block Grants will vary from state to state. Funding opportunities also vary based on activities in certain geographic areas. For example, in Colorado, there is a Limited Gaming Impact Program that allows the state to fund local government agencies in addressing documented gaming impacts including substance abuse, domestic violence and child abuse in jurisdictions where limited stakes gambling is legal, as well as in the surrounding areas. The State Office of Criminal Justice Services in each state provides a good starting point to identify applicable state and local resources.
Private and corporate foundations provide funding based on matching their mission and eligibility criteria with grant-seeking entities. In addition, some foundations operate nationally, while others may be limited in scope to a county or local jurisdiction. In the case of foundations, it is best to look locally first and then expand your search outward to larger geographic regions.
Lastly, many funding sources look favorably on projects involving regional collaboration between multiple agencies including the government and non-profit sectors and often will consider funding equipment such as SDFI technology as part of a more comprehensive program proposal. Consumers wishing to purchase SDFI technology to enhance their service delivery could also incorporate the cost of acquiring the technology into future proposals submitted to their current funding sources. Fund development is an ongoing relationship-based process. Agencies seeking funds need to reach out to each other to form strong collaborations providing unduplicated services and to funders themselves to engage in a constructive dialogue resulting in both grantseekers and grantmakers fulfilling their mission.
From the National Network to End Domestic Violence
"In January, Congress passed a 2014 funding bill, restoring significant cuts that had been imposed through sequestration last year. The measure commits increased resources to the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) and the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA) shelter funding."
The fiscal year 2014 bill releases additional vital funding from the VOCA fund, a non-taxpayer fund dedicated to direct services for victims of crime, including survivors of domestic and sexual violence. The bill also funds the Office on Victims of Crime Vision 21 initiative, which will support important improvements in technology, strategic planning, research and data in the victim services field. VAWA’s cornerstone STOP state formula grant program, which supports effective and life-saving coordinated community responses to domestic and sexual violence, received a much needed increase this year. FVPSA, the federal government’s only dedicated funding stream for domestic violence shelters and programs, received a modest increase that will help more of the nation’s shelters meet the pressing needs of victims fleeing abuse. Additionally, the VAWA Sexual Assault Services Programs (SASP) state formula fund program was increased, which will allow rape crisis centers to serve more victims.
In March, President Obama released his 2015 budget, which commits modest increases to programs serving victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, including the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) and the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA) shelter funding.
The President's proposal would release additional vital funding from the VOCA fund, a non-taxpayer fund dedicated to direct services for victims of crime, including survivors of domestic and sexual violence. Importantly, the proposed budget also maintains the recently increased funding for the VAWA cornerstone STOP state formula grant program, which supports effective and life-saving coordinated community responses to domestic and sexual violence.
FVPSA, the federal government's only dedicated funding stream for domestic violence shelters and programs, would receive a modest proposed increase of about 4% over the 2012 budget, which is critically important but does not keep pace with inflation. The President's budget restores some of the funding that had been cut from housing and also provides increased legal services assistance to victims.
The proposed increase of $2 million in the VAWA Campus program would help to implement improvements to our nation's response to the epidemic of campus sexual assault and dating violence. Significant funding of $35 million to address the nationwide rape kit backlog would help to identify serial rapists and prosecute dangerous assailants. The President's proposal, unfortunately, would decrease funding for VAWA's critical Rural grant program.”
The Grants to Reduce Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking on Campus Program (Campus Program) encourages institutions of higher education to adopt comprehensive, coordinated responses to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Campuses, in partnership with community-based nonprofit victim advocacy organizations and local criminal justice or civil legal agencies, must adopt protocols and policies that treat violence against women as a serious offense and develop victim service programs that ensure victim safety, offender accountability, and the prevention of such crimes.
The Grants to Indian Tribal Governments Program (Tribal Governments Program has multiple goals and awards funds to:
- Develop and enhance effective plans for tribal governments to respond to violence committed against Indian women;
- Strengthen the tribal criminal justice system; improve services available to help Indian women who are victims of violence;
- Create community education and prevention campaigns;
- Address the needs of children who witness domestic violence;
- Provide supervised visitation and safe exchange programs;
- Provide transitional housing assistance; and
- Provide legal advice and representation to survivors of violence who need assistance with legal issues caused by the abuse or the violence they suffered.
The Rural Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Assistance Program (Rural Program) enhances the safety of children, youth, and adults who are victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking by supporting projects uniquely designed to address and prevent these crimes in rural jurisdictions. The Program encourages collaboration between victim advocates, law enforcement officers, pre-trial service personnel, prosecutors, judges and other court personnel, probation and parole officers, and faith- and/or community-based leaders to overcome the problems of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking and ensure that victim safety is paramount in providing services to victims and their children.
The Sexual Assault Services Program (SASP is the first federal funding stream solely dedicated to the provision of direct intervention and related assistance for victims of sexual assault. The SASP encompasses four different funding streams for States and Territories, Tribes, State Sexual Assault Coalitions, Tribal Coalitions, and culturally specific organizations. Overall, the purpose of SASP is to provide intervention, advocacy, accompaniment, support services, and related assistance for adult, youth, and child victims of sexual assault, family and household members of victims, and those collaterally affected by the sexual assault. The SASP supports efforts to help survivors heal from sexual assault trauma through direct intervention and related assistance from social service organizations such as rape crisis centers through 24-hour sexual assault hotlines, crisis intervention, and medical and criminal justice accompaniment. The SASP will support such services through the establishment, maintenance, and expansion of rape crisis centers and other programs and projects to assist those victimized by sexual assault.
The STOP (Services, Training, Officers, and Prosecutors) Program promotes a coordinated, multidisciplinary approach to enhancing advocacy and improving the criminal justice system's response to violent crimes against women. It encourages the development and improvement of effective law enforcement and prosecution strategies to address violent crimes against women and the development and improvement of advocacy and services in cases involving violent crimes against women.
For further information, please visit the United States Department of Justice for full details on their grant program offerings.
Office of Justice Programs funds development, evaluation, and testing of technology to help ensure public safety, and help state and local communities better use existing technology. Technology helps to improve public safety in several ways. For example, enhanced criminal records and identification systems keep high-risk individuals from obtaining weapons or positions of trust. Closed-circuit television allows young victims or witnesses of crime to testify in a less-intimidating setting. Bulletproof vests and less-lethal weapons mitigate risk to law enforcement officers. DNA technology advances justice by solving crimes and protecting the innocent. And crime mapping allows law enforcement to target crime "hot spots". OJP also has launched an initiative to develop information-sharing capacity across the criminal justice system. The OJP Information Technology Executive Council coordinates funding and technical assistance to ensure that technology is deployed in a manner that allows information-sharing across agencies.
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), National Institute of Justice (NIJ) is seeking applications for funding for research and technology development leading to the introduction into practice of new, innovative means to: (1) speed forensic processing of large capacity digital media, and (2) reduce digital evidence storage requirements. This program furthers the Department’s mission by sponsoring research to provide objective, independent, evidence-based knowledge and tools to meet the challenges of crime and justice, particularly at the State and local levels.
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) is seeking applications for the Vision 21: Building State Technology Capacity program. This program furthers the Department’s mission by awarding funds to Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Formula State Administrating Agencies to enhance the state’s access to technology, increase victims' access to resources, and increase accuracy of administrative reporting. Application Deadline: 05/15/2014 OVC anticipates that it will make an unspecified number of awards totaling approximately $2,250,000 to Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Formula State Administrating Agencies that identify technological improvements to 1) enhance their current systems, 2) develop new systems to increase access to technology, 3) increase victims' access to resources, or 4) improve the accuracy of administrative reporting. Awards will range from $25,000 to $250,000, depending on funding justification, population of the state, needs assessment/strategic planning, and the breadth and complexity of the proposed technology enhancement program. Those applying are urged to begin in advance of the May 15, 2014, deadline.
More Information:
Office for Victims of Crime will make three awards of up to $100,000 each to implement the Enhancing Law Enforcement Response to Victims Strategy (ELERV) to improve agencies’ response to victims of crime, with a strong focus on reaching and serving underserved and unserved victims in the community. In the first phase of this project, successful applicants will conduct a comprehensive needs assessment in their jurisdiction and develop a plan for implementing the ELERV Strategy in the subsequent three project phases. Eligible applicants are limited to state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies serving populations of 50,000 to 500,000. Those applying are urged to begin in advance of the June 9, 2014, deadline.
Funding for Equipment
NIJ's mandate does not allow them to provide direct funding for equipment purchases and training beyond that supplied under the Forensic Laboratory Enhancement program. However, NIJ has identified a number of other sources for new and surplus equipment.
NOTE: Applications for Research Funding may rightfully involve the acquisition of equipment, materials, or supplies if they are intended to support the conduct of applied research, development, demonstration, evaluation, or analysis work.
Description and Purpose
The Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program (the Coverdell program) awards grants to states and units of local government to help improve the quality and timeliness of forensic science and medical examiner services. Among other things, funds may be used to eliminate a backlog in the analysis of forensic evidence and to train and employ forensic laboratory personnel, as needed, to eliminate such a backlog. State Administering Agencies (SAAs) may apply for both "base" (formula) and competitive funds. Units of local government may apply for competitive funds.
Coverdell NFSIA Application and Award Totals, 2002–2012
A state or unit of local government that receives a Coverdell grant must use the grant for one or more of these three purposes:
- To carry out all or a substantial part of a program intended to improve the quality and timeliness of forensic science or medical examiner services in the State, including those services provided by laboratories operated by the State and those operated by units of local government within the State.
- To eliminate a backlog in the analysis of forensic science evidence, [1] including, among other things, a backlog with respect to firearms examination, latent prints, toxicology, controlled substances, forensic pathology, questioned documents, and trace evidence.
- To train, assist and employ forensic laboratory personnel as needed to eliminate such a backlog.
States [2] and units of local government may apply for FY2012 Coverdell funds. States may be eligible for both "base" (formula) and competitive funds. Units of local government within States may be eligible for competitive funds and may apply directly to NIJ. State applications for funding MUST be submitted by the Coverdell State Administering Agency (SAA). (Other interested state agencies or departments must coordinate with their respective SAA.) Each applicant must satisfy the specific application requirements outlined in this announcement, the general requirements for NIJ and OJP grants and all other applicable legal requirements.
The Coverdell law (at 42 U.S.C. § 3797k(4)) requires that, to request a grant, an applicant for Coverdell funds must submit:
- A certification and description regarding a plan for forensic science laboratories.
- A certification regarding use of generally accepted laboratory practices.
- A certification and description regarding costs of new facilities.
- A certification regarding external investigations into allegations of serious negligence or misconduct. See below for important notes and guidance regarding this certification.
- Laboratory equipment. Funds may be used to upgrade, lease, or purchase forensic laboratory or medical examiner equipment and instrumentation.
Allocation of Funds
“Base” funds for States
Approximately 75 percent of the funds available for Coverdell grants will be allocated among eligible States based on population. See the specific solicitation to which you are applying for the approximate amount for each eligible State.
Competitive funds for States and units of local government
Twenty-five percent of the available funds will be allocated among States and units of local government through a competitive process. The average annual number of part 1 violent crimes reported by each State to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in prior years, existing resources, and current needs of the potential grant recipient will be considerations in award decisions.
Units of local government that provide forensic science or medical examiner services (whether through a forensic science laboratory, medical examiner’s office, or coroner’s office) may apply directly to NIJ for competitive funds. A State may apply through its SAA for competitive funds for forensic sciences improvements above and beyond those it can accomplish with its estimated amount of base funds.
The Crime Identification Technology Act (CITA) was authorized with the passage of Public Law 105-251 on October 9, 1998, and provides assistance to states to establish or upgrade criminal justice information systems and identification technologies.
CITA expands on the National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP) administered by OJP's Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and provides assistance for virtually every technology-based, criminal justice information, identification, and communications need. CITA funds also may be used to support state and local-level participation in national databases managed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, such as the National Instant Check System (NICS), Combined DNA Information System (CODIS), and the Interstate Identification Index (III) system. In all, states, in conjunction with local governments, may use funds awarded under CITA to improve or expand criminal justice technology efforts in 17 specified areas. Click here for more information on the 17 Purpose Areas.
CITA identifies 17 specific purpose areas in which funds may be used:
- Improving adult and juvenile criminal history record information systems.
- Creating automated fingerprint identification systems that are compatible with standards established by the Commerce Department's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and are interoperable with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Integrated Automated Fingerprint System.
- Establishing finger imaging, live scan, and other automated systems to digitize and communicate fingerprints consistent with NIST standards and ensure interoperability with print systems operated by the States and the FBI.
- Augmenting state and local participation in the Interstate Identification Index of the National Crime Information System.
- Improving systems to allow any compact relating to the Interstate Identification Index to participate fully in the National Crime Information System.
- Enhancing systems to enhance state and local participation in the FBI's National Instant Check System (NICS), which was authorized with the creation of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act.
- Creating an integrated criminal justice systems, so that law enforcement agencies, courts, prosecutors, and corrections agencies have access to the same information.
- Improving no criminal history record information to determine eligibility to purchase firearms under NICS.
- Developing court-based criminal justice information systems that integrate with other criminal justice information systems and promote the reporting of dispositions to central state repositories and to the FBI.
- Accessing ballistics identification programs and technology that are compatible with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms' National Integrated Ballistics Network.
- Enhancing the capabilities of forensic science laboratories and medical examiner programs.
- Improving sex offender identification, tracking, and registration systems.
- Creating systems to track and share information about domestic violence offenders.
- Supporting fingerprint-supported background checks for non-criminal justice purposes.
- Developing criminal justice information systems that provide research and statistical analysis.
- Establishing multi-agency, multi-jurisdictional communications systems among the States to share information among federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies.
- Enhancing the capability of the criminal justice system to deliver timely, accurate, and complete criminal record information to child welfare agencies, organizations, and programs that are engaged in the assessment of risk and other activities related to the protection of children, including protection against child sexual abuse, and placement of children in foster care.
In addition to providing this financial assistance, Congress has given OJP discretion to set-aside portions of its CITA appropriation for training, technical assistance, technology development, and evaluation. Click here for a link to the CITA Authorizing Legislation.
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) is seeking applications from eligible entities to plan and implement place-based, community-oriented strategies to address targeted crime issues within a neighborhood as a part of a broader neighborhood revitalization initiative. Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation (BCJI) resources will target hot spots of crime where a significant proportion of crime occurs as compared to the overall jurisdiction. BCJI furthers the Department’s mission by leading efforts to enhance the capacity of local and tribal communities to effectively target and address significant crime issues through collaborative cross-sector approaches that help advance broader neighborhood development goals.
Eligible entities to serve as fiscal agent include states, unit of local governments, non-profit organizations (including tribal non-profit organizations), and federally recognized Indian tribal governments as determined by the Secretary of the Interior.
The BCJI application requires a consortium of partners (hereinafter referred to as “cross-sector partnership”) to design a strategy addressing a targeted crime problem. The application must contain a strategy that responds to the scope and requirements of this solicitation. The cross-sector partnership must designate one eligible entity to serve as the fiscal agent.1 The fiscal agent must ensure that the cross-sector partnership is committed to and can successfully oversee key enforcement, prevention, intervention, and community engagement strategies AND access and analyze key data.
The Children's Justice Act (CJA) provides grants to States to improve the investigation, prosecution and judicial handling of cases of child abuse and neglect, particularly child sexual abuse and exploitation, in a manner that limits additional trauma to the child victim. This also includes the handling of child fatality cases in which child abuse or neglect is suspected and some cases of children with disabilities and serious health problems who also are victims of abuse and neglect. A typical CJA activity would include:
- Establishing or enhancing child advocacy centers and other multidisciplinary programs to serve child victims and their families in order to minimize trauma.
States must apply for the funds and meet certain eligibility requirements, including receipt of the CAPTA State Grant and establishment of a CJA Task Force as outlined in the legislation. Funds are allocated in the amount of $50,000 per State, plus an additional amount based on the population of children under 18 years of age in the applicant's jurisdiction. Funding comes from the Crime Victims' Fund, which collects fines and fees charged to persons convicted of Federal crimes. The Fund is administered by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Victims of Crime (OVC) and the grants are awarded by the Administration on Children, Youth and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
This announcement governs the proposed award of mandatory grants under the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA) to States (including Territories and Insular Areas). The purpose of these grants is to assist States in establishing, maintaining, and expanding programs and projects to: prevent family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence; provide immediate shelter, supportive services, and access to community-based programs for victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, and their dependents, and; provide specialized services for children exposed to family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, underserved populations and victims who are members of racial and ethnic minorities.
This announcement governs the proposed award of formula grants under the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA) to private, 501 (c) (3) non-profit State Domestic Violence Coalitions (Coalitions). The purpose of these grants is to assist in the conduct of activities to promote domestic violence intervention and prevention and to increase public awareness of family violence issues.
This notice for family violence prevention and services grants to Coalitions serves four purposes: the first purpose is to confirm a Federal commitment to reducing family, domestic violence, and dating violence; the second is to urge States, localities, cities, and the private sector to become involved in State and local planning towards an integrated service delivery approach that meets the needs of all victims, including those in underserved communities; the third is to provide for technical assistance and training relating to family, domestic, and dating violence programs; and the fourth is to increase public awareness about and prevention of family, domestic, and dating violence and increase the quality and availability of immediate shelter and support services for victims of family, domestic, dating violence and their dependents.
to Native American Tribes (including Alaska Native Villages) and Tribal Organizations
This announcement governs the proposed award of formula grants under the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA) to Native American Tribes (including Alaska Native Villages) and Tribal organizations. The purpose of these grants is to assist Tribes in efforts to increase public awareness about, and primary and secondary prevention of family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence and to provide immediate shelter and supportive services for victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, and their dependents. This announcement sets forth the application requirements, the application process, and other administrative and fiscal requirements for grants in Fiscal Year 2014. Grantees are to be mindful that although the expenditure period for grants is a two-year period, an application is required each year to provide continuity in the provision of services.
The Department of Homeland Security distributes grant funds to enhance the ability of regional authorities to prepare, prevent and respond to terrorist attacks and other disasters. Localities use grants for planning, equipment, training and exercise needs.
Most DHS Components have authority to execute and manage financial assistance to support the DHS mission. Financial assistance is the transfer to a non-Federal recipient of anything of value for a public purpose, and in DHS includes grants, cooperative agreements, training, loans, direct payments, and National flood insurance. Background
Although most DHS Components possess some grant-making programs, the majority of programs and funding exists within the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) . DHS supports a wide variety of financial assistance including post-disaster relief and resilience, preparedness, boating safety, cybersecurity, research, university centers of excellence, and assistance to fire fighters.
Find and Apply for Homeland Security Grants
In Colorado, funds are administered through the Department of Public Safety, Division of Criminal Justice, Office for Victims Programs. There is a consolidated application and funding process to distribute victims services grant funds from four grant sources; Federal Victims of Crime Act (VOCA), Federal Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), Federal Sexual Assault Services Program (SASP), and Victims Assistance and Law enforcement (VALE) funds for a single grant period. Funds will be allocated in accordance with state and federal requirements and the intended uses of the four grant programs. Funding recommendations made by the Crime Victim Services Advisory Board will be for two consecutive one-year periods with separate contracts for each year. OVP staff will administratively determine which funding source (VOCA, VAWA, SASP, State VALE) is appropriate for funded projects in accordance with the individual grant program requirements during the grant contracting process. Requirements such as the use of volunteers, the amount and type of match required and match waivers when applicable will also be handled administratively by OVP staff during the grant contracting process. The next funding process will be January 2016 for the 2017-2018 awards.
Sexual Assault Programs
Sexual assault is an underreported crime and although Colorado has made great strides in recent years to provide services to victims of sexual assault there is much more to be dune to serve victims. Programs providing services to victims of sexual assault, including direct services to victims, prosecution, law enforcement, courts and/or the development or enhancement of collaborative efforts are strongly encouraged to apply.
State Victim Assistance and Law Enforcement (State VALE)
The State Victim Assistance and Law Enforcement (State VALE) Grant Program is designed to provide funding for programs which implement statutory rights for crime victims and/or which coordinate or provide services to crime victims on a statewide or multi-jurisdictional basis.
Victims of Crime Act (VOCA)
The Federal Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) assistance grant is sub-granted to organizations to enhance, expand, and develop new programs to serve victims of crime. These services include counseling, providing shelter, assistance in filing compensation applications, crisis intervention services, assistance in court proceedings, assistance in filing protection orders, etc.
S.T.O.P Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
The goal of VAWA funds is to develop and strengthen effective law enforcement, prosecution, judicial strategies and victim services in cases involving violent crimes against women defined as domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and dating violence.
Sexual Assault Service Program (SASP)
The overall purpose of the SASP funds is to provide direct services including intervention, advocacy, accompaniment, support services and related assistance for victims of sexual assault and their families. SASP funds are dedicated to the provision of direct intervention and related assistance for victims of sexual assault. These funds provide additional funding for Sexual Assault Centers (Rape Crisis Centers), Dual Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Programs and Child Advocacy Programs. Grant funds cannot be used to support sexual assault forensic examiner projects, or criminal justice activities including law enforcement, prosecution, courts, forensic interviews.
The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
Created in 1983, the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority is a state agency dedicated to improving the administration of criminal justice. The Authority brings together key leaders from the justice system and the public to identify critical issues facing the criminal justice system in Illinois, and to propose and evaluate policies, programs, and legislation that address those issues.
The statutory responsibilities of the Authority fit into four areas: grants administration; research and analysis; policy and planning; and information systems and technology.
Office for Victims of Crime (OVC)
OVC Victim Assistance for Illinois
312-793-8550 (telephone)
312-793-8422 (FAX)
Web Site
Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)
National Institute of Justice (NIJ)
Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant Program
Jack Cutrone
Executive Director
Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
300 West Adams, Suite 200
Suite 1016
Chicago, IL 60606
312-793-8550 (telephone)
312-793-8422 (FAX)
Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Contact
Wendy McCambridge
Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
300 West Adams, Suite 200
Chicago, IL 60606
312-793-8550 (telephone)
312-793-8422 (FAX)
Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (ICJI)
Web Site
ICJI awards federal and state grants to help local governments, law enforcement agencies and non-profit organizations to prevent/reduce crime, enforce Indiana traffic laws, improve the criminal justice system and assist victims of crime.
We do not accept unsolicited applications. Current funding announcements are posted here. You can receive email notification of funding opportunities by registering here.
Mary Allen
Indiana Criminal Justice Institute
101 West Washington Street
Suite 1170, East Tower
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
317-232-1233 (telephone)
317-232-4979 (FAX)
Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) & (RSAT) Contact
Travis Robinson
Drug & Crime Control Division
Indiana Criminal Justice Institute
101 West Washington Street
Suite 1170, East Tower
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
317-234-1653 (telephone)
317-232-4979 (FAX)
National Institute of Justice (NIJ)
Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant Program
Robin Tew
Executive Director
Criminal Justice Institute
One North Capitol Avenue, Suite 1000
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2038
317-232-1233 (telephone)
317-232-4979 (FAX)
Web Site
Felix Yau
Program Contact
317-234-1653 (telephone)
317-232-4979 (FAX)
Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)
National Institute of Justice (NIJ)
Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant Program
Adrienne Foster
Governor’s Grants Program
Kansas Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
900 S.W. Jackson, Suite 304 North
Topeka, KS 66612
785-291-3868 (telephone)
785-291-3204 (FAX)
Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Contact
Jill Stewart
Governor's Grants Program
Kansas Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
900 S.W. Jackson, Suite 304 North
Topeka, KS 66612
785-291-3205 (telephone)
785-291-3204 (FAX)
OVC Victim Assistance for Kansas
785-291-3205 (telephone)
785-291-3204 (FAX)
Web Site
Department of Criminal Justice Services
The Department of Criminal Justice Services in Virginia also administers Law Enforcement grants including Homeland Security Grant Program and the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant.
Web Site
Victims Grant Programs
Sexual Assault
The purpose of this grant program is to provide or enhance direct services to victims of sexual assault. Local sexual assault programs are eligible to apply for both VOCA and State funds. Statewide organizations are eligible to apply for State funds.
Sexual Assault Services Program (SASP – Formula Grant)
The purpose of this grant program is to support rape crisis centers and other nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations that provide core services, direct intervention, and related assistance to victims of sexual assault.
Virginia’s Sexual Assault Services Formula Grant Program (SASP) is open only to programs currently receiving DCJS funding supporting sexual assault services through the Sexual Assault Grant Program (SAGP) and that are local non-profit non-governmental programs prior to receiving SASP grant funds
The purpose of these funds is to provide financial support to local victim/witness programs and statewide victim assistance programs designed to provide direct services, information, and assistance required by Virginia’s Crime Victim and Witness Rights Act.
The victim/witness grant program is open to local units of government and certain state agencies. Local units of government may subcontract with private, non-profit service providers. Localities may submit joint applications to support regional victim/witness programs serving multiple localities. Each eligible state agency seeking funding to support statewide victim assistance programs may submit only one application. Application Guidelines are distributed in early spring.
Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Victim Fund
The Department of Criminal Justice Services was designated as the administering agency for this fund. State special funds support this fund and the amount available for awards is dependent on deposits made. The purpose of the VSDVVF is to provide funding to assist in protecting and providing services to victims of and children affected by sexual violence, domestic violence, stalking and family abuse.
VSDVVF grants are available to state agencies, local units of government, and non-profit programs that provide services to victims of and/or children affected by sexual violence, domestic violence, stalking and family abuse. Eligible applicants include law enforcement agencies, victim services programs, and programs that provide civil legal assistance. Public college and university campus programs are eligible to apply, as are private, non-profit hospitals.
Violence Against Women (V-STOP)
DCJS is the administering agency for the STOP Violence Against Women grant in Virginia, known as V-Stop. V-stop offers grant funds for activities which increase the apprehension, prosecution and adjudication of persons committing violent crimes against women.
This grant is open to local units of government, state agencies, and non-profit/nongovernmental victims services agencies which fall into one of the following applicant categories: Law enforcement, prosecution, victim services, and other.
Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)
Fran Ecker
Department of Criminal Justice Services
Commonwealth of Virginia
1100 Bank Street
Richmond, VA 23219
804-786-8718 (telephone)
804-786-0588 (FAX)
Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Contact
Janice Waddy
Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services
1100 Bank Street
Richmond, VA 23219
804-786-4011 (telephone)
804-371-8981 (FAX)
National Institute of Justice (NIJ)
Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant Program
Leonard G. Cooke
Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services
202 North Ninth Street
10th Floor
Richmond, VA 23219-3694
804-786-8718 (telephone)
804-371-8981 (FAX)
Web Site
Rochelle Altholz
Program Contact
804-786-1015 (telephone)
804-371-8595 (FAX)
Office of Victims of Crime Victim Assistance for Virginia
804-786-4000 (telephone)
804-786-7980 (FAX)
Web Site
Aetna Foundation to Give $4 Million in Grants to Support Digital Health Innovations for Underserved Communities.
The grants are part of a $4 million, three-year digital health commitment from the Aetna Foundation for the implementation and evaluation of technology innovations to help address public health concerns. Learn more about the Aetna Foundation’s New Digital Health Initiative.
The Foundation makes grants in three major areas: our Pacific Northwest Program funds arts, and culture, libraries, education and financial empowerment projects in local communities; our Global Initiatives fuel exploration and innovation in the fields of science and technology; and our Signature Awards area recognizes and awards creative leaders and promising researchers.
Because our funding vision is carefully curated, we do not accept unsolicited proposals. We do like to stay apprised of initiatives and organizations that excite and engage us, so we encourage you to introduce yourself through our contact form.
Paul G. Allen Family Foundation Web Sites
To help bring this issue out of the shadows, the Avon Foundation for Women launched Speak Out Against Domestic Violence, an initiative to build awareness,educate, and improve prevention and direct service programs.
The Avon Foundation for Women does not currently have any Domestic Violence grant opportunities. In 2014, we plan to build upon and expand existing Avon Foundation-funded projects that support model programs in the following areas: financial empowerment for survivors, dating abuse prevention programs implemented on college and university campuses, bystander intervention strategies, and direct services provided by domestic violence shelters and programs in the U.S.
Because the initiatives we identified and funded in 2013 require longer-term funding commitments to identify new strategies that adequately support the needs of survivors and their families, we will not be able at this time to divert funds to new projects outside those already funded.
See a list of current grantees
Please continue to periodically check this site for the announcement of our annual request for proposals (RFP) that will be posted in early to mid-2014. We appreciate your interest in learning more about our work, and wish you much success in achieving your goals.
Avon Foundation Web Site
Blue Shield of California Foundation invites applications that promote collaboration between domestic violence (DV) and health organizations to improve systems of DV care in the safety net.
- A current BSAV grantee (DV service provider) must be engaged as either project lead or formal project partner. We are open to models that include either a domestic violence or health organization as lead partner but the DV partner must have a formalized relationship (as evidenced by a financial agreement and/or MOU).
- Evidence of ability to collaborate.
- Commitment to learning and capacity and willingness to engage in learning network and evaluation activities.
- Demonstrated track record meeting the needs of culturally diverse and low-income Californians.
- Applicants will need to define a specific need, problem and/or opportunity they will address. We do not expect applicants to have fully developed ideas at the letter of inquiry stage, but the challenge or opportunity should be clearly stated along with initial thinking about ways to address it, and some rationale about the team’s capability to generate solutions.
Other variables the Foundation will consider in selecting projects to fund:
- Collaborations between DV service providers and community health centers or Tribal Health Clinics are a priority; however, other collaborations will be considered. For example: collaborations that include school-based health centers, safety net emergency departments, hospitals, and county clinics.
- Existing partnerships will be prioritized, but new partnerships will be considered and are welcome to apply.
- Applicants should demonstrate evidence of practices and policies that prioritize family violence prevention and services, and an understanding of its impact on health.
Measuring success
With this funding, we seek to strengthen the capacity of healthcare and DV organizations to undertake needed transformation in the way that they practice. To that end, a successful DV and health partnership will result in one or more of the following outcomes:
- Sustained changes in clinical practice, including integrated assessment and response to violence.
- Training policy and protocols in the healthcare setting, including new systems (e.g. integration of prompts and supports for clinicians within a patient’s electronic health record) to support sustainability.
- Reforms that include DV partners in the care team and system of care.
- Sustain an ongoing relationship between partners.
Use of Funds
Grant requests may cover a variety of project expenses, including personnel, consultant fees, meeting and material costs. In addition, applicants may allocate up to 15% of the total grant request for indirect costs. Budgets should include $5,000 per year for participation in the Learning Network and evaluation activities. Requests for general operating support will not be considered.
More information:
As humans we need to take responsibility and recognize that domestic violence will cease when there is social change. It is about stopping abusive behavior.
Over the years, the NB Foundation has hosted high profile events, sponsored local events and raised hundreds of thousands of dollars in proceeds which were donated to shelters all across the United States.
More Information:
Domestic Violence Shelter Grant Program
Every October, The Mary Kay Foundation observes National Domestic Violence Awareness Month by awarding grants to deserving women’s domestic violence shelters across the United States. In 2013, the Foundation awarded $20,000 grants to more than 150 women’s domestic violence shelters across the nation for a total of $3 million.
Who receives the grants?
Each year, the Foundation awards a grant to at least one domestic violence shelter in every state. Any remaining funds are distributed based on state population. Grant applications are reviewed by the Domestic Violence Shelter Grant Committee, which makes recommendations to the TMKF Board of Directors. After reviewing these recommendations, the Foundation’s Board of Directors selects the final grant recipients.
Domestic violence shelter grant applications are available from this Web site or from The Mary Kay Foundation from January 15 to April 30 each year. We announce grant recipients in the fall to coincide with National Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October.
More Information:
The Chicago Foundation for Women believes that all women and girls should have the opportunity to achieve their potential and live in safe, just and healthy communities. The Foundation influences women's and girls' human rights through grantmaking, advocacy, leadership development and public and grantee education, Chicago, IL.
Freedom from Violence Priority
We are dedicated to expanding women's and girls' freedom from violence in all its forms, including family violence, child and elder abuse, dating violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, prostitution and trafficking. Program priorities are to:
- Advance comprehensive violence prevention strategies and policies
- Improve the response of society's systems, including the courts, law enforcement, education, health care and other service providers
- Increase the coordination of services for survivors of violence
- Increase public understanding of the issues with the intention of ending violence against women and girls
- Involve men and boys in efforts to end violence against women
- Support survivors in underserved communities, including LBTQ, elder and immigrant women
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Since its founding in 1964, The Packard Foundation has been a place-based funder, investing in the local communities that surrounded the Packard family home and business. The Local Grantmaking Program, formalized into a single department in 2008, continues to build upon the legacy of David and Lucile’s local philanthropy. Today, the Local Grantmaking Program provides support for programs in the five California counties of Santa Mateo, Santa Clara, San Benito, Santa Cruz and Monterey as well as the community of Pueblo, Colorado, where David Packard was born.
The Packard Foundation awards general support and project grants to organizations that work within their geographic scope and are a fit with their funding strategies. They focus and align their resources with the Foundation’s mission and priorities, strive to be responsive and highly engaged with their grantees, and recognize the Foundation’s support is one piece of what helps these communities to thrive.
More Information:
We invest in organizations that provide education, prevention, care for victims and empowerment resources.
Eligibility Requirements
Please Note: As of January 2013, all applications are considered on an invitation-only basis. To see if you are eligible to apply, please contact your Community Relations Manager
Verizon through its Foundation, supports a wide range of programs through direct and matching grants that benefit diverse communities, including minorities, veterans, gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender and others. The Verizon Foundation expects all of its grant recipients to comply with all applicable laws, including those governing tax-exempt status and non-discrimination laws.
Furthermore, all organizations must:
- Not duplicate or significantly overlap the work of public agencies on the federal, state or local level.
- Keep books available for regular independent outside audit and make the results available to all potential contributors.
- Comply with applicable laws regarding registration and reporting.
- Observe the highest standards of business conduct in its relationships with the public.
To be considered for an invitation, an organization must be:
- Classified by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt charity under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code AND are further classified as a public charity under section 509(a)(1)-509(a)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as follows:
- Section 509(a)(1) – Organizations described in section 170(b)(1)(A) clauses (i) – (vi):
- 170(b)(1)(A)(i) - Church, provided that the grant will benefit a large portion of a community without regard to religious affiliation and does not duplicate the work of other agencies in the community.
- 170(b)(1)(A)(ii) – School.
- 170(b)(1)(A)(iii) - Hospital or medical research organization.
- 170(b)(1)(A)(iv) - Organization which operates for benefit of college or university and is owned or operated by a governmental unit.
- 170(b)(1)(A)(v) - Governmental unit.
- 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) - Organization which receives a substantial part of its support from a governmental unit or the general public.
- Section 509(a)(2) - Organizations that normally receives no more than one-third of its support from gross investment income and unrelated business income and at the same time more than one-third of its support from contributions, fees, and gross receipts related to exempt purposes.
- Section 509(a)(3) - Organizations operated solely for the benefit of and in conjunction with organizations described in the previous seven items.
- An elementary or secondary school (public or private) registered with the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), providing that the grant is not for the sponsorship of a field trip.
Applications submitted to the Verizon Foundation for consideration should abide by the following guidelines:
- Grant funds may not be used for real property or plant capital purchases.
- At least 85% of the total grant funds must be comprised of direct costs (costs that are directly attributable to the project.)
- Accordingly, indirect costs must be no more than 10-15% of the total grant funds.
(See grant application for further details on classifying direct vs. indirect costs.) - IT-related purchases (Hardware and Software) should total no more than 20% of the grant’s total direct costs.
More Information:
We fund organizations that are generating bold ideas and solutions to address complex issues that affect the economic security of low-income women and families. The organizations we support have deep partnerships in their communities and work across traditional movements to make systemic change and eradicate the root causes of inequity. Our grants may be statewide, regional or local in scope. The types of grants we provide are:
General operating support: These grants fund the regular, ongoing costs that are central to an organization’s mission or that strengthen its infrastructure. Without general support grants, organizations rarely have the flexibility to pursue the strongest, most creative solutions to the issues they address.
Planning grants: These grants support organizations in defining the scope, strategy, roles and responsibilities of a new program before implementation. This is critical as many grassroots organizations face challenges due to inadequate time and funding for planning.
Project/program implementation: These grants support specific projects or programs that have been well defined and planned, that fit into our strategic vision, and that use systemic change strategies such as policy advocacy, community organizing, leadership development, media and public education and civic participation.
Collaborative work: These grants support two or more partner organizations in collaborating toward a shared goal. To be eligible for funding, collaborative members must have a formal agreement defining roles and responsibilities.
More Information:
Provides information on more than 1,000 grant opportunities for 26 federal grantmaking agencies and is the source to find and apply for federal financial assistance. DHS utilizes to post funding opportunities. There is a five step registration process for that may take up to three weeks to complete. has developed a customized search of to help you find open grant announcements for programs that serve youth and their families. Registering with enables you to apply for financial assistance opportunities at other federal agencies.
Grant Programs and Funding Opportunities
Office on Violence Against Women
Summarizes and links to a variety of grant programs addressing domestic violence.
Family Violence – Grants and Funding
National Criminal Justice Reference Service
Links to Federal funding opportunities that address family violence
Catalog for Domestic Assistance
(CFDA) provides a full listing of all Federal programs available to State and local governments, federally-recognized Indian tribal governments; Territories (and possessions) of the United States; domestic public, quasi- public, and private profit and nonprofit organizations and institutions; specialized groups; and individuals.
Recommend resources to nonprofit organizations:
- Center for Nonprofit Managemen
- Chronicle of Philanthropy
- CompassPoint Nonprofit Services
- GlobalGiving
- Grant Space (a service of the Foundation Center)
- GuideStar
- MSU Resources
- TechSoup
Philanthropy News Digest Includes current funding opportunities offered by foundations or other grant-making organizations. Look up requests for proposals by category.
Philanthropy News Digest publishes RFPs and notices of awards as a free service for grant-making organizations and nonprofits.
National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women (
Features sources of government and private funding that are available to support projects or organizations working to end violence against women, or to provide opportunities for individual survivors. Government funding resources includes information on the 26 United States Federal grant-making agencies, portals to federal, local, and state government funding resources. Private funding resources include grants, scholarships, fellowships and/or awards for individual women available from foundations, charities and private trusts.
The Foundation Center
Is a national nonprofit service organization recognized as the nation's leading authority on organized philanthropy, connecting nonprofits and the grantmakers supporting them with tools they can use and information they can trust. Its audiences include grantseekers, grantmakers, researchers, policymakers, the media, and the general public. The Center maintains the most comprehensive database on U.S. grantmakers and their grants; issues a wide variety of print, electronic, and online information resources; conducts and publishes research on trends in foundation growth, giving, and practice; and offers an array of free and affordable educational programs, New York, NY.
Fundraising Resources for Women and Girls Worldwide
This resource guide seeks to provide an overview of resources, guides, and sources of funding for organizations working with women and girls.
Fundsnet Service's Women's Resources
Is a listing of foundations for programs that serve women and girls.